Even If Your Income is High, Your Family May Be Able to Benefit From the 0% Long-Term Capital Gains Rate
We’re entering the giving season, and if making financial gifts to your loved ones is part of your plans — or if you’d simply like to reduce your capital gains tax — consider giving appreciated stock instead of cash this…
Read moreYou May Need to Add RMDs to Your Year-End To-Do List
As the end of the year approaches, most of us have a lot of things on our to-do lists, from gift shopping to donating to our favorite charities to making New Year’s Eve plans. For taxpayers “of a certain age”…
Read moreWhy You May Want to Accelerate Your Property Tax Payment into 2017
Accelerating deductible expenses, such as property tax on your home, into the current year typically is a good idea. Why? It will defer tax, which usually is beneficial. Prepaying property tax may be especially beneficial this year, because proposed tax…
Read moreThe Ins and Outs of Tax on “Income Investments”
Many investors, especially more risk-averse ones, hold much of their portfolios in “income investments” — those that pay interest or dividends, with less emphasis on growth in value. But all income investments aren’t alike when it comes to taxes. So…
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